Steffen Zellfelder

Steffen Zellfelder


Steffen Zellfelder ist freier Diplom-Journalist (FH) aus Bonn. Als versierter Software-Experte begeistert er sich besonders für Apps, Tools und Zukunftstrends.

Articles by Steffen Zellfelder

Why I will never buy a Mac

Why I will never buy a Mac

When it comes to the question "Windows or Mac?", opinions differ -- and in my opinion, so does common sense. Why I'll never have a Mac in my house.
4 weeks ago
Why you should avoid free VPN services

Why you should avoid free VPN services

Free VPN services are tempting, but often turn out to be an airline act. Seven good reasons why you should keep your hands off free VPNs.
3 months ago
Is it bad to leave your laptop always plugged in?

Is it bad to leave your laptop always plugged in?

There are still many myths surrounding rechargeable batteries and correct charging. We clarify and answer the question: Does it harm laptops or Macbooks if they are permanently connected to the charging cable?
3 months ago